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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

SUBNET Solutions Inc

1292 Booth Number

916 42 Ave Se Unit 110
Calgary, Alberta, T2G 1Z2

SUBNET Solutions Inc is a software development and engineering services company dedicated to serving the needs of the electric utility industry. With over a decade of experience in software development, test set sales, and training utility personnel in SCADA protocol usage, SUBNET has a unique understanding of the issues associated with substation networking. As a software-oriented firm and as a Microsoft Certified Partner, SUBNET also has a clear comprehension of the technologies and possibilities available in a world defined by the information economy. The intersection of these two areas of expertise allows SUBNET to create products that make substations more intelligent, allowing utilities to focus on reliably and safely delivering power to customers.

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