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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Marcel Pouliot

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Marcel Pouliot

Director of Fleet Services

MARCEL E. POULIOT, P. Eng, MBA Marcel Pouliot is the Director of Fleet Transition at HTEC and a well-known former executive within the North American Trucking Industry (Trimac Transportation). His professional background and his encompassing experience over the years from Operations to Industrial Services, Purchasing, Safety, Fleet Innovation, Sustainability and Renewable Energy offer a unique and multifaceted expertise. His comprehensive knowledge of the Transportation Industry reinforces his reputation as a strategic leader, influential collaborator, and key player. As Co-Founder and President of IQ Trucking Consultants Inc., he is currently assisting numerous public and private companies. He is a regular speaker at national and global transportation conferences, industry associations, and webinars.

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