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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Douglas S. Hamilton

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Douglas S. Hamilton

Chief Technical Officer
Enercat Technology Inc.

Dr. Douglas S. Hamilton is the Chief Technical Officer for Enercat Technology Inc. He has more than 40 years’ international experience in the petroleum and coal industries and is a specialist in reservoir geology. Dr. Hamilton has received several Best Paper Awards and Speaker Awards from the AAPG and SPE and published more than 50 papers in Internationally-recognized Scientific Journals. Dr. Hamilton has taught several Continuing Education Short Courses to the Petroleum Industry in Mexico and Venezuela.

Dr. Hamilton has been associated with the Enercat Technology Group since 2005 providing technical and sales advice in Venezuela, India, Russia, Mexico and the US oil markets of California, Texas, Kansas and New Mexico. Dr. Hamilton holds Bachelor's (Hons) and Ph.D degrees in Geology from the University of Sydney, Australia.

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