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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Marcel Guevara

Marcel Guevara 300x300

Marcel Guevara

Vice President, EHS

Marcel is an EHS professional with more than 25 years of experience leading organizations to achieve excellent EHS performance. His area of experience covers all aspects of EHS management, including the design and development of compliance and management systems, audit programs, and ensuring a cycle of continuous improvements; with experience in multiple jurisdictions in the Americas, Europe, and Africa; as well as in the oil and gas, mining, construction and manufacturing industries. Since he joins ehsAI he is dedicated to identifying the challenges that EHS professionals are facing in their day-to-day work to develop AI advanced solutions to facilitate and improve their work and performance. Marcel is a Certified Environmental Professional (EP) and a Compliance Environmental Auditor (EP-CEA) by the Canadian Environmental Certification Approvals Board and a Canadian Registered Safety Professional (currently as Non-Practicing status) by the Board of Canadian Safety Professional.

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