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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Kristinn Ingi Lárusson

Kristinn Ingi Lárusson 300x300

Kristinn Ingi Lárusson

Head of Business Development and Commercialization

Mr. Kristinn Ingi Lárusson holds an MBA from the University of Edinburgh and a BSc degree in organizational management and international business from University of South Carolina Columbia. Kristinn has a vast global business operational background, including extensive experience in business development, financing, investment, asset management and banking operations as well as having served as a board member for several IT and financial companies both in Iceland and abroad. Kristinn joined Carbfix in 2020 heading business development and commercialization after having been the CEO of On-Waves (maritime mobile network communications) between 2013 and 2020 (Reykjavik, Rotterdam, Copenhagen). Prior to that Mr. Lárusson headed Siminn hf., business development since the privatization of the company in 2005 (London, Reykjavik and Copenhagen) and worked  in the banking industry for both Kaupthing bank and Reykjavik Savings Bank in corporate, investment banking as well as asset management from 1996.

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