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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Doug Junor

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Doug Junor

Director, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships
Field Safe Solutions

Doug has been driving business transformation across North America for over 35 years. Clients and audiences alike have praised his insightful thoughts around emerging innovations that can disrupt the status quo of organizations. Past leadership roles (from Director of Channel Development to Chief Business Officer with various industry-leading and award-winning companies) have made Doug a highly valued advisor. He enjoys using his real-world experience to help a diverse range of entrepreneurial startups, public sector entities, and established enterprise corporations implement a sustainable business transformation strategy. As the Chief Business Officer at Robots & Pencils, Doug oversaw numerous iOS deployments for field service automation across numerous industries. Many of these projects focused on the Health and Safety aspects of work done in the field, including his involvement from day one with the ENMAX Tailboard Application.

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