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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada


1567 Booth Number Hall ABC

klosterhofweg 34
Monchengladbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 41199


SORB®XT is a German company.

Producer of an organic, biological and completely harmless fibre that is able to absorb all kinds of oil, fuel, many chemicals, coating and paints etc.
ONE product that works on all application fields within seconds and fulfills all requirements and safety regulations.
SORB®XT is also floatable.

Additionally, we produce complementary products to augment our product portfolio and fulfill customers needs.
We provide solutions based on highest performance and quality.

The customer is always paramount to our interests and our developments follow customer ideas and requirements, ensuring compatibility throughout.

Worldwide enterprise and customer networking determine our focus:
We provide quality and performance combined with loyalty, partnership and reliability.

Visit us and see our ongoing live presentations. We look forward to meeting you.


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