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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Sirius Instrumentation and Controls Inc

1890 Booth Number

5721 - 99 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 3N8

The oil and gas industry takes green house emissions and green energy very seriously. Sirius provides a range of products that help the Petroleum industry meet these challenges. Our chemical injection systems are designed not only to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, but also to reduce the risk of chemical spills, lessen disposal costs, reduce maintenance costs, and optimize the amount of chemical injected, thereby reducing our customer two largest expenses: manpower and chemical cost.

Our Apollo solar power packs lead the industry in terms of a ready to use, oilfield tough, zero emission power source. Through constant improvement, lean thinking and a dynamic engineering team Sirius is able to continually lead the industry in terms of innovation to chemical injection.

Mission: Continually bring new ideas and products to help our industry reduce its carbon footprint.
Slogan: Profitable Environmental Solutions.
Philosophy: Under Promise and Over Deliver!

Sirius Instrumentation and Controls Inc. (Sirius) was incorporated in April 2003 in Alberta, Canada. The company's focus is on the growing need for products that meet the changing environmental requirements within the oil and gas industry. In consort with the oil and gas industry Sirius understands that our products must be economically viable, hence our slogan "Profitable Environmental SolutionsTM". Sirius provides a full spectrum of solar powered chemical injection systems, AC chemical injection systems, environmentally friendly tank systems, and solar products. Sirius' commitment to engineering has led to many innovations, keeping the company at the forefront of technology in the chemical injection and solar marketplace. Sirius is a registered corporation with APEGGA (Association of Professional Engineers) and has a very strong technical team providing customer support and innovating new solutions.

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