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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

1811 Booth Number Hall F

Bay 102, 118 East Lake BLVD
Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 2G2

GOWell is a leading Wireline Logging technology company with research, development and manufacturing capabilities of Cased-hole and Open-hole logging equipment with primary business in Latin America, Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific and North America.

GOWell brings unparalleled innovation, expertise and dedication to the global Oil & Gas Industry. We offer technological innovation and unmatched technical support able to meet and exceed client expectations.

GOWell provides a wide range of Wireline Logging solutions and specializes in Well Integrity Evaluation, offering various unique technologies in the market.

Choose GOWell today
• Unique Technologies
• Vast Global Footprint
• Unmatched Customer Support and Lead Times
• Flexibility - we accommodate to fit your every business need


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