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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2022 Awards Judging Panel

Dinara Millington

Independent Consultant

Dinara is a 20-year energy researcher and author. Her advanced knowledge of the Canadian energy industry and regulatory landscape, along with her technical and leadership skills have contributed to Dinara’s many successes. As a former Vice President of Research at the Canadian Energy Research Institute, Dinara led research programs, projects and the Institute’s Editorial Committee in cross-functional teams to drive the implementation and execution of work. Her strong and effective communication skills and ability to work with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders are evidenced through publication and execution of numerous research reports and papers and appearances in articles and televised interviews with local, national, and international media as a subject matter expert.

Currently, Dinara consults clients on energy and environmental issues pertaining to Canadian and international energy markets out of her Calgary-based office. Through her volunteer work, Dinara helps new Canadian immigrants with integration to Canadian culture, interview and resume writing skills, networking and understanding Canadian work culture. She also acts as an industry supervisor with the Sustainable Energy Development (SEDV) Master’s degree program at the University of Calgary. Dinara holds an MA in Economics from the University of Calgary.

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