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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Nuclear Promise X

1113 Booth Number Hall F

Nuclear Promise X is a Canadian company with a refreshing view on innovation. Founded in May 2018, we integrate the latest emerging technology into nuclear plant operations, projects and processes. NPX has already made an impact on the nuclear power industry in Canada. We work directly with nuclear utilities to identify challenges and implement innovative solutions and new technologies to increase the efficiency, reliability and safety of nuclear power. We source the most promising technologies using a scalable and repeatable process that emphasizes implementation. We take the unique approach of bringing strong expertise in the nuclear industry and pairing it with NPX�s strategic and disruptive process with is which is focused on client needs and insights. Our experience spans a broad range of both nuclear expertise
and technical capabilities, including, but not limited to, industry experience in operations and refurbishment, engineering, safety analysis, project management, leadership and many others.

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