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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Montrose Environmental Group

1945 Booth Number

Suite 220, 1702 4 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta, T2S 3A8

Montrose Environmental was one of the first to see environmental responsibility as not just an imperative but as a strategic asset. And we’re well ahead of the curve in applying the latest technologies in practical ways to solve difficult environmental challenges.

How? By building a leadership team with exceptional depth of experience and breadth of expertise. By bringing together a wealth of local knowledge that allows us to address homegrown issues across multiple locations. By removing operational roadblocks that stand in the way of streamlined, hassle-free, nation-spanning implementation. And by investing in assets and technologies that will keep us out in front of emerging environmental concerns for years to come.

In short, we approach our job the same way our clients approach theirs: With a sense of urgency, a commitment to adding value, and a stubborn refusal to settle for second-best. All to help the people we partner with identify and seize opportunity.

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