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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Katch Kan Ltd.

1557 Booth Number

9854 67 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta, T8W 2T3

Katch Kan has been pro-actively providing Sustainable Well Life Cycle Solutions to the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry for over 20 years. Katch Kan Systems, Rig Safety System and Zero Spill System, when used together, capture lost drilling fluid, and redirects the lost fluids to be recycled and/or reused. The systems provide drilling fluids cost savings and a cleaner, safer and efficient operation while the well is active. Also by reducing the environmental impact, they lessen liabilities and cost associated to the cleanup, remediation and reclamation phases. Katch Kan systems are suitable for Land Drilling, Off-Shore Drilling, Well Servicing and Well Head Applications. With offices in Canada, USA and Bahrain along with a wide network of distributors around the world, Katch Kan products have been sold in over 60 countries.

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