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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada


1005 Booth Number Hall F

3770b Laird Road, Unit 2
Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 0A7

Since 1976 Fai Filtri has offered effective and innovative filtration solutions for the aftermarket, hydraulics and EDM sectors and for the air/oil separation and industrial filters. The purposes that Wilmo Pasotto, founder and current President, and his son Roberto, Chief Executive Officer, have been placed since the beginning are to give a concrete answer to costumer’s requirements in terms of service and products availability, to guarantee technical and commercial know-how and competitiveness, and to create a relationship in complete synergy with customers.
Today Fai Filtri is an established business of almost 13,000 m2 with branches in Italy, Canada, United States, Russia and Malaysia

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