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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Factors Western Ltd

1875 Booth Number Hall D

204, 4321 23B St Ne
Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7V9

Factors Western provides Accounts Receivable Financing and Administration for companies, allowing them to take on more business and realize potential growth. We can boost production for companies by allowing them to bid and secure larger projects they could not normally take on, as well as smooth out and assist in current growth related cash flow shortages. Established in 1984 in Calgary, we work largely, but not exclusively, with the oil and gas sector, and have helped numerous service companies take their business from a one person outfit to a mid to large scale operation. Areas of expertise include: Factoring, Invoice Discounting, Cash Flow Management, Providing Working Capital, Growth Financing Areas we specialize in: Oil & Gas, Service Industries, Trucking and Hauling, New Businesses, Start-ups, Landscaping, Excavating, Staffing Agencies, Industrial Cleaning, and many more. Call us today and let us improve your cash flow!

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