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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

NextGen Speakers

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Tristan Walker

Municipal Energy Project Lead
Town of Pincher Creek

Tristan believes first and foremost in positive leadership, open communication, active teamwork, and development through embracing the possibility of failure. He is passionate about energy autonomy, sustainability, and the environment, with a focus on transitioning our world to clean energy sources. He believes strongly that he shares the responsibility for leaving the world in a better place than he found it so future generations can enjoy our natural playground. This attitude has been fostered in him through starting a non profit sustainable energy development company, working as part of a forest fire fighting crew, publishing and presenting his thesis on energy storage, and most recently as a municipal energy manager. He is happiest building relationships and challenging himself both professionally and recreationally through sports, activities, and hobbies.

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