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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Julian Palandri

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Julian Palandri

Graduate Student
University of Calgary

Julian Palandri is a current Physics and Astronomy MSc student at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon. He has completed his Honours BSc in Physics with a Co-op Designation at the University of Regina in 2020, and during this time he was involved in various research jobs as part of the Co-op program. His research involves the study of macro energy systems, specifically those related to hydrogen. Julian as a graduate student is an active member at the University of Calgary, being a part of the Physics and Astronomy Departmental Graduate Association as VP Internal as well as being a part of the Graduate Representative Council for the University of Calgary. Julian has also received various awards and scholarships throughout his academic career. He is passionate about his research and likes to think creatively to help solve issues in the low carbon future.

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