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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Amos Ben-Zvi

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Amos Ben-Zvi

Sr. Manager, Strategic Technology
Cenovus Energy

Amos Ben-Zvi is a Senior Manager of Strategic Technology at Cenovus. Amos is a passionate innovator with 20+ years combined experience in creative leadership including technology commercialization, piloting, and screening.

His team is working on development game-changing technologies applicable to current and future operations. Their goal is to make Canadian energy production more safe, competitive, and do it all at lower GHG emissions. Key projects include solvent-aided pilots, applications of automatic control and analytics, collaboration with startups, venture capital, and technology incubators, as well as clean energy, nuclear power, and other technologies meant to lower emission intensity while improving project economics.  In previous roles, Amos worked on projects including reservoir engineering, software development, analytics, and process control for markets including oil and gas, biofuels, steel processing, biotechnology and bioinformatics. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering from University of Alberta and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Queens University

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