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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2023 Technical Committee

Dr. Vita Martez

NSERC Industry Research Chair for Colleges. Centre for Energy and Clean Unconventional Technology Solutions (CERCUTS), Department of Applied Research and Innovation Services (ARIS).
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Dr. Vita Martez, is the NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges (IRCC) in In-Situ Steam Generation and Clean Technologies, at the ARIS Centre for Energy and Clean Unconventional Technology Solutions (CERCUTS). A recognized industry leader with over 20 years of experience in the field of chemical technology and environmental engineering, Dr. Vita Martez brings a wealth of solution-oriented expertise, and award-winning applied-research experience to the Steam Generation and Clean Technology streams at CERCUTS. The outcome of the steam generation applied research is expected to address key steam-tube challenges (scaling, fouling, erosion and corrosion) by testing OTSG pilot test-rigs fitted with IOT sensors for process and chemical monitoring and measurement in order to contribute to scientific-evidenced based results, and best-in-class industry practices for enhancing energy and water-recycle efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. The outcome of the clean technologies applied research in water includes (piloting industrial water and waste-water treatment, mobile desalination packaged pilots for drinking water to rural, remote and indigenous communities) and in alternative energy includes (piloting hydrogen generation from electrolyzers and direct methane solid oxide fuel cells with carbon capture for thermal and electric power generation, battery energy storage systems (BESS) for back-up power and micro-grids).

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