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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2023 Governing Body

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Chris Joy

Vice President, Business Operations

Chris Joy is an economist and business leader with more than 20 years' experience in Alberta's electricity market. Currently Chris manages Business Operations for ENMAX Energy. His experience includes generation fleet asset management, asset valuation, market analytics, and managing long-term supply contracts, power purchase arrangements, and joint ventures. As well, he led the development of ENMAX's wholesale renewable energy certificate and greenhouse gas offset trading business. Prior to joining ENMAX in 2005, Chris was a Senior Market Analyst at the Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA). Before the MSA, he was an Energy Economist at the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI). Chris has taught economics at Mount Royal College and holds a BA in Economics and Political Science, an MA in Economics from the University of Calgary, and has completed an MBA at Queen's University.

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