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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Oscar Cruz

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Oscar Cruz

Sr. Predictive Analytics Professional
Bow River Solutions Inc.

A Cybernetic and Computer System engineer who specializes in predictive analytics, ML nd AI, Oscar Cruz brings a wealth of industry experience and a passion for making a difference in the world through technology. After graduating from La Salle University with an engineering degree focused on cybernetic and computer systems ?" Cruz worked in software development, business intelligence and analytics for a number of organizations spanning industries from construction, mining and transportation to government and education. Through his work, he built global teams to deliver analytics to companies and public bodies across Canada, USA, Mexico; including UofC, SAIT, Bow Valley College, BURNCO, Canadian Western Bank, Alberta Energy Regulator, VIHA and WestJet. Cruz has developed statistical material for Data Analytics Program, adding hands-on skills, including dimensional modeling, ML, AI and predictive analytics, while also helping build the Analytics bootcamp program for SAIT, which teaches students high-demand skills in machine learning and artificial intelligence. He keeps a hand in industry as a managing partner and business analytics practice leader for Bow River Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in data management, working with vendors, such as IBM, Tableau, SAP, Informatica and Microsoft.

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