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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Mike Tourigny

Mike Tourigny

Chief Operating Officer
Acceleware Limited

Mike is an accomplished executive with over 25 years of international experience building high-growth, disruptive and innovative businesses in the energy, utilities, telecommunications and technology sectors. Mike started his career in the oil and gas industry before pivoting to technology, where he worked on the development and deployment of several diverse and ground-breaking technologies. In 2013, he joined Acceleware after being attracted by the vast potential of its radio frequency (RF) heating systems for oil sands and heavy oil production. Mike’s unique aptitude for navigating the barriers associated with business growth coupled with a respect for both the energy industry and its political realities, makes him well-suited to spearhead the process of commercializing Acceleware’s RF heating technology. He holds a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Calgary and a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance from the University of British Columbia.

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