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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Mike Mckay

Mike Mckay

Director of Customer Engineering Services
Intelliview Technolgies Inc.

Mike Mckay is Director of Customer Engineering Services at IntelliView, a leader in AI and infrared imaging based leak detection for the Oil and Gas industry. Since 2014, Mike has been performing key technical advisory and project management functions, and has been leading customer needs evaluations and field deployments. As an integral member of the Engineering and Sales Management team, he serves as an advocate and educator of the company’s technology products to business users and prospective buyers and also helps shape product development and the direction of the company. Mike had previously held various leadership positions, spanning 20 years, in the areas of sales and management of high-technology related hardware and software solutions for IntelliView, Wimad Communications, and Eion Inc. He has expertise in direct and indirect sales models to end-users, and has worked closely with value-added resellers, systems integrators, distribution partners, and OEMs.

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