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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Michael Longo

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Michael Longo

Head of Business Development
Anax Power

As Head of Business Development at Anax Power, Mr. Longo coordinates the sales, marketing, and operations activities of the business on a daily basis. Mike also leads Anax's capital raising activities, which have resulted in over $4M in equity funding and almost $3M in grant funding from a variety of programs throughout North America. Prior to Anax, Mr. Longo worked as a management consultant for BTS, where he helped Fortune 500 companies execute their corporate strategies. He is also an entrepreneur, having started two companies that became cash flow positive, with one generating over $150,000 in sales. Mr. Longo holds a BA in Economics with a minor in Political Science from Middlebury College, where he was a member of the men’s ice hockey team.

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