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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Keegan Shaw

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Keegan Shaw

Lead Data Scientist and Software Developer
Highwood Emissions Management

Keegan Shaw (BSc, MGIS) is the Lead Data Scientist and Software Developer at Highwood Emissions Management, a Calgary-based company that provides data and model driven emissions solutions to industry, government, and innovators in the form of consultancy and software. At Highwood, Keegan works with clients in understanding, optimizing, and validating Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs through data visualizations and LDAR program modelling. He is the core maintainer and leading contributor to the Leak Detection and Repair Simulator (LDAR-Sim), an open-sourced emissions and LDAR modelling software. He is the project manager and a technical advisor for the University of Calgary based Intelligent Methane Monitoring and Mitigation System (IM3S) project, which is aimed at expanding the functionality and accessibility of LDAR-Sim. Keegan’s background is in geospatial software development and industrial automation and holds a Masters in GIS from the University of Calgary and a BSc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick.  

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