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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Hossam Gharib

Hossam Gharib

Senior Product Engineer
Stream-Flo Industries Ltd.

Hossam Gharib is a senior product engineer specializing in the development of surface safety systems with Stream-Flo Industries Ltd. He has a Bachelor and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from the American University in Cairo and a PhD degree in mechanical engineering from University of Alberta. Dr. Gharib has 19 years of experience in research and development with 10 years in oil and gas downhole and surface equipment product development. His current role at Stream-Flo Industries is focused on the development of the next generation intelligent surface safety systems. Dr. Gharib has 11 granted patents, 4 patent applications, and 16 technical publications. He is a licensed professional engineer with The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta and a member of the society of petroleum engineers.

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