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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Geoff Martin

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Geoff Martin

International Energy Research Consultant
DavFaye/University of Southern California

Geoff Martin  BSc, MIM International Energy Research Consultant,  Associate Alconsult International   Mr. Martin has a BSc in Earth Science from Memorial University in Newfoundland and a Masters International Management (MIM) from Thunderbird Global School of Management, now a part of Arizona State University.  His Thunderbird focus was on Asia, in particular China.  He has over forty years in the energy sector ranging from oil and gas exploration, data and project management, and energy research.  His work has taken him to Australia, Mexico, Norway, and Saudi Arabia to name a few countries.  Most recently has was a Senior Associate with CESAR (Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research) at the University of Calgary.  With this group he was looking at broad international trends related to the energy transition and the evolution of recent global interests in hydrogen.

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