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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Brodie Tebay

Brodie Tebay

Managing Partner - COO
HSI Group

After growing up on a small town Saskatchewan farm and attending school in Calgary, Brodie took to learning his trade in the field as an industrial electrician specializing in single well monitoring and combustion services. He moved into management roles with Grit Industries and Kudu / Schlumberger while completing his Certified Master Electrician. He is now the Managing Partner and COO of HSI Group, a diverse and rapidly expanding group of companies offering products and services for combustion, electrical, instrumentation, automation, controls, remote data, remote video, and security. He enjoys golf, hockey and lake in the summer all while spending time with his two daughters aged five and seven.

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