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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Alexandru Turta

Alexandru Turta

CEO and President
A T EOR Consulting Inc.

Alex Turta is a reservoir engineer who worked with Alberta Innovates Technology Futures in Calgary. Alex has a Ph.D. in oil recovery by in situ combustion (ISC), with a subsequent in-depth specialization in ISC applications. Alex was involved in the implementation and management of Suplacu de Barcau commercial project in Romania, the world’s largest ISC project. He has also been engaged in assignments from United Nations Development Programs (UNDP). As a UNDP expert he guided the development of Balol and Santhal ISC projects in India, from pilot to commercial operation; recently, he reviewed these commercial ISC projects. He has been involved in 8 commercial ISC operations and 16 ISC pilots, worldwide. In 2012 he launched a website fully dedicated to ISC process. He is the author of the ISC chapter in the 2013 published book ”Enhanced Oil Recovery. Field Case Studies”, Editor James Sheng. He is the co-inventor of Toe-To-Heel Air Injection (THAI), and CAPRI processes for heavy oil recovery and upgrading. Also, he has been instrumental in investigating the steamflooding and waterflooding in a toe-to-heel configuration. In the last 7 years, he has worked continuously for improvement of THAI process thus developing the I-THAI (improved THAI) process.

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