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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2022 Technical Committee

Gobind Khiani


Gobind Khiani has more than 22 years of technical leadership and project management experience in worldwide petroleum, power, LNG and clean energy industries, both in operating and engineering. His background includes refinery & power plant operations and project management positions on various gas & oil pipeline and facility projects. Over the past few years he has led multiple pipeline, natural gas & oil pipeline and facility projects and SAGD projects with Calgary office and supported India, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, California, and Shanghai offices. Gobind's value engineering solutions, innovative and client focused approach along with a passion for leading and developing others. He is a consulting Fellow in North America's Piping/ Pipeline industry. Gobind has a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Calgary and is a registered, professional engineer.

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