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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 11-13, 2024
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2022 Technical Committee

Dr. Huazhou (Andy) Li

Associate Professor
University of Alberta

Huazhou (Andy) Li is an Associate Professor in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Alberta. His research interests include the following: experimental and theoretical studies on the phase behavior of reservoir fluids, CO2 enhanced oil recovery, surfactant-alternating-gas flooding, thermal and non-thermal heavy oil recovery, stimulation of tight oil/gas reservoir with supercritical CO2, and production optimization of oil reservoir based on reservoir simulations. Li has authored or coauthored 50 peer-reviewed technical papers and presented 19 papers in SPE conferences and other international conferences. Li holds a BSc degree and MSc degree, both in Petroleum Engineering, from the China University of Petroleum (East China) and PhD degree in Petroleum Systems Engineering from the University of Regina (2013). He volunteers as a technical editor for SPE Journal and an Associate Editor for Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering (JNGSE). Li received the 2016 Outstanding Technical Editor Award from SPE Journal, and the 2016 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award from Fuel, and 2014 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing from JNGSE. He is a member of SPE.

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